Model 15 Thinline Archtop for Ken Nieves “Malia” model! top and back plates…

Here is some more progress shots of Ken’s project! This is plate carving, the plates start out as rough blocks, in this case old dry European spruce and nicely flamed big leaf maple. Each block’s edge is squared first with a big spiral bit on the milling table. This is more accurate than using a jointer- i can take away material in .001 passes if needed, and it turns out super clean and square. The two halves are then glued. The blank next goes on the milling table and after several operations the arch is shaped both inside and out. Ive spent countless hours refining my arch schematics over the years, and they have perfectly graduated surfaces that taper in thickness from center toward the edges for nice even response throughout the plate.  After the guitar is together i will adjust the tops final response by taking material out of the plate edge “recurve” area using downward thumb pressure at the bridge location as my guide on how flexible the braced top is.
Check out the super cool cats eye soundholes too! So cool how they just drop out after the cut. I have a box full of cool soundhole cutouts haha…

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